Kamal Haasan is presently shooting for Indian 2, helmed by directed by Shankar. In a recent interview to The Hindu, the director confirmed that he has initiated talks with Kamal Haasan for the second part of Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu. Reportedly, Gautham Menon has narrated a script to Kamal Haasan and the latter seems quite thrilled about the film. Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu was …
Kamal Haasan had earlier announced that Indian 2 would be his final acting gig and he would dedicate all his time to his political career. According to latest reports, the Varanam Aaayiram director recently met Kamal Haasan at his office and discussed the possibilities of collaborating with him for Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu sequel. Interestingly, Gautham Menon, who is currently working with …
I meet Gautham Vasudev Menon at his office on a very Gautham Menon-esque day. In fact, the idea behind the song ‘Maruvarthai’ was based on that voice.” Coming soon Gautham Menon will kick-start his next venture, an action drama with a new star, the announcement of which will be made soon. “All of us are directing a 28-minute segment on …