A 34-year-old primary school teacher from West Bengal’s Paschim Bardhaman district single-handedly ensured that at least 500 women, including lactating mothers and senior citizens, from a remote tribal village, get their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. On the day of vaccination, he hired a school bus and named it ‘Vaccine Rath’ on which 500 women were picked up from the …
In a little village called Chiklap in Budhwadi, in Maharashtra’s Raigarh district, 45-year-old woman Shalini Vilas Chafe has been leading a silent revolution. “I can finally have my own savings and enough money to put into my children’s education,” Chave, mother of three children, tells News18. Acting as the president of a registered woman’s self-help group known as ‘Asmita Yojana’, …