Announcing an anticipatory bail for veteran actor Alok Nath, the Mumbai sessions court observed that filmmaker Vinta Nanda, who had accused the former of sexual assault and rape, “did not lodge a report immediately after the incident for her own benefit”. In an order dated 5th January, judge SS Oza noted that the complainant “remembered the entire incident but did …
CINTAA had called both Vinta Nanda and Alok Nath for a meeting on Monday but he failed to show up citing health issues. The Cine and TV Artistes’ Association has expelled actor Alok Nath from the organisation after he was accused of sexual harassment and violation by writer-director Vinta Nanda in October. In view of the various allegations of sexual …
Alok Nath’s counsel even mentioned that Vinta Nanda was using a media trial of sorts to malign the actor. Alok Nath ’s counsel, Ashok Saraogi, mentioned recently in court that the epithet of ‘sanskari’ given to Nath was as a result of his ‘good character’, reports Mumbai Mirror. Referring to Vinta Nanda ’s Facebook post which accused Nath of raping …
New Delhi: Badminton star PV Sindhu on Wednesday lauded people from different spheres coming forward in exposing personalities who sought sexual favours from their colleagues. Reputations, especially in Bollywood, took a beating when people such as Tanushree Dutta and Vinta Nanda named Nana Patekar and Alok Nath for alleged misconduct years ago. I respect it," Sindhu said on the sidelines …
Tara writer-director Vinta Nanda accused actor Alok Nath – known for his sanskari image onscreen -- of rape in a harrowing Facebook post on Monday. Tara writer-producer Vinta Nanda has accused Alok Nath of rape and predatory behaviour. “He was an alcoholic, shameless and obnoxious but he was also the television star of that decade, so not only was he …