Actor Alok Nath’s wife, Ashu Nath, has filed an application in a Mumbai court, seeking a police investigation into the allegations of rape levelled against the actor by writer-producer Vinta Nanda. We are seeking only a monetary compensation of one rupee,” Alok Nath’s lawyer Ashok Saraogi was quoted by NDTV as saying. Alok Nath’s wife has moved court, seeking probe …
Serious allegations of sexual assault have been levelled against Alok Nath, who is known for his 'sanskaari' image on screen. After veteran writer-producer Vinta Nanda accused Alok of raping and brutalising her, not just once but twice, a woman crew member of Hum Saath Saath Hain shared her nightmarish experience of working with him. Even though she was "shell-shocked", the …
Actor Alok Nath has dismissed rape allegations levelled against him by Tara writer-producer Vinta Nanda, calling them absurd. Alok Nath dismissed rape allegations levelled by Vinta Nanda, saying someone else must have done it. Nanda has accused Nath - known for his “sanskaari” on-screen image - of sexually violating her almost two decades ago. “He was an alcoholic, shameless and …
Tara writer-director Vinta Nanda accused actor Alok Nath – known for his sanskari image onscreen -- of rape in a harrowing Facebook post on Monday. Tara writer-producer Vinta Nanda has accused Alok Nath of rape and predatory behaviour. “He was an alcoholic, shameless and obnoxious but he was also the television star of that decade, so not only was he …
Filmmaker Vinta Nanda Monday alleged that leading TV actor Alok Nath had raped her in her home, sexually harassed lead actress of her 1990s TV show Tara and got her sacked when she complained. In a long Facebook post, Nanda, who did not name the actor but virtually identified him as being “known as the most #Sanskaari person in the …