Alok Nath’s counsel even mentioned that Vinta Nanda was using a media trial of sorts to malign the actor. Alok Nath ’s counsel, Ashok Saraogi, mentioned recently in court that the epithet of ‘sanskari’ given to Nath was as a result of his ‘good character’, reports Mumbai Mirror. Referring to Vinta Nanda ’s Facebook post which accused Nath of raping …
Writer-producer Vinta Nanda will remain undaunted in her fight against the sexual violation she faced 19 years ago even if defamation suits come her way, her lawyer said on Monday, a day after actor Alok Nath's wife Ashu Singh reportedly moved a court seeking a police probe into the Tara writer's accusation. DhruTi M Kapadia, Nanda's advocate, in a statement …