Actor Ajay Devgn on Tuesday refrained from commenting on the #MeToo allegations against his De De Pyaar De co-star Alok Nath, accused of rape by writer-director Vinta Nanda. Jinki aap baat kar rahe hai woh film uske pehle complete hui.” Ajay Devgn with Alok Nath in De De Pyaar De. When IANS reached out to Alok Nath, he said: “I …
Vinta Nanda accused her co-worker Alok Nath “the most Sanskaari person in the film and TV industry” of rape and sexual assault in a Facebook status. Here are details of the incident which happened at least 20 years ago as shared on Nanda’s Facebook page: In a long and powerful interview with Firstpost, Nanda recalled the toxic sexist environment which …
Filmmaker Vinta Nanda Monday alleged that leading TV actor Alok Nath had raped her in her home, sexually harassed lead actress of her 1990s TV show Tara and got her sacked when she complained. In a long Facebook post, Nanda, who did not name the actor but virtually identified him as being “known as the most #Sanskaari person in the …
Writer-producer Vinta Nanda, who accused Alok Nath of raping and harassing her in a heart-wrenching post on social media, says she is yet to decide on her next course of action. She did not name Nath but referred to her attacker as "the most Sanskaari person", a sobriquet attached with the actor courtesy his on-screen image of playing the goody-goody …