Vinta Nanda is unlikely to apologise and is ready to face legal scrutiny for coming out against actor Alok Nath. Nath and his wife's lawyer Ashok Sarathi had said that either Nanda should apologise or she would face the legal action. Nanda on the other hand today took to social media and wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister …
Alok Nath has filed a civil defamation suit against writer-producer Vinta Nanda, who accused him of rape. Vinta Nanda had accused Alok Nath of rape and narrated her horrifying ordeal in a Facebook post amidst the ongoing #MeToo movement. Bollywood actors Sandhya Mridul and Deepika Amin also accused Alok Nath of rowdy behaviour and shared their ordeals on social media. …
Actor Alok Nath’s wife, Ashu Nath, has filed an application in a Mumbai court, seeking a police investigation into the allegations of rape levelled against the actor by writer-producer Vinta Nanda. We are seeking only a monetary compensation of one rupee,” Alok Nath’s lawyer Ashok Saraogi was quoted by NDTV as saying. Alok Nath’s wife has moved court, seeking probe …