Announcing an anticipatory bail for veteran actor Alok Nath, the Mumbai sessions court observed that filmmaker Vinta Nanda, who had accused the former of sexual assault and rape, “did not lodge a report immediately after the incident for her own benefit”. In an order dated 5th January, judge SS Oza noted that the complainant “remembered the entire incident but did …
The Dindoshi sessions court said actor Alok Nath may have been falsely implicated and that writer-director Vinta Nanda may have delayed filing a complaint of rape for “her own benefit”. Watch: Tanushree gave me courage to speak about assault: Vinta Nanda On November 21, 2018, the Mumbai Police charged Nath with rape, based on a complaint filed by Nanda who …
A Mumbai sessions court has rejected actor Alok Nath’s wife’s application for an injunction order against writer Vinta Nanda, who has accused the actor of rape. Vinta Nanda registers an FIR against Alok Nath at Oshiwara Police Station in Mumbai. As for the matter, if it has come out, it will be stretched.” Nath’s wife filed an application seeking an …
Vinta Nanda has filed a complaint against Alok Nath today at the Oshiwara police station, Mumbai. Vinta had accused actor Alok Nath of raping her almost 19 years back in a heart-wrenching Facebook post on October 8. Alok Nath had filed a defamation case against Vinta Nanda seeking Re 1 as compensation on Monday. But the sessions court has reprimanded …