Actor Alok Nath’s wife, Ashu Nath, has filed an application in a Mumbai court, seeking a police investigation into the allegations of rape levelled against the actor by writer-producer Vinta Nanda. We are seeking only a monetary compensation of one rupee,” Alok Nath’s lawyer Ashok Saraogi was quoted by NDTV as saying. Alok Nath’s wife has moved court, seeking probe …
Mumbai: Alok Nath was like “Jekyll and Hyde” whose predatory behaviour was an “open secret” in the industry and has become public now, actor Himani Shivpuri said on 11 October. The actor, who has worked with Nath in many films and TV shows, said she was shocked to read Vinta Nanda’s Facebook post, accusing the Hum Aapke Hai Koun actor …
Alok Nath was like Jekyll and Hyde whose predatory behaviour was an "open secret" in the industry and has become public now, actor Himani Shivpuri. The actor, who has worked with Nath in many films and TV shows, said she was shocked to read Vinta Nanda's Facebook post, accusing the Hum Aapke Hai Kaun actor of rape. Shivpuri said Nath's …
Alok Nath was like "Jekyll and Hyde" whose predatory behaviour was an "open secret" in the industry and has become public now, actor Himani Shivpuri said Thursday. Himani Shivpuri, who worked with Nath on films such as Hum Saath Saath Hai, Pardes, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and TV shows such as Ghar Ek Sapnaa, said he was always nice to …