To mark World AIDS Day on December 01, Apple as a partner is offering Apple Watch users seven special PRODUCT watch faces. Notably, these watch faces need iOS 16 or later watchOS 9 or later Apple Watch Series 4 or later to run. According to Apple, “Products are considered vintage when Apple stopped distributing them for sale more than five …
It’s hard to conceive of how important film posters were in the early years of Indian cinema. “This film brought big fame and fortune to Wadia Movietone and it was in this movie that Jonas was referred to as Fearless Nadia in the opening credits,” said film scholar and historian Amrit Gangar. “Audiences all across India gave her a thumping …
Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about …
Unbeknownst to many, the Albela star, Bhagwan Dada, spent his last days in a crumbling chawl close to Chitra Cinema. Armed with a quarter bottle of rum, he would watch new releases there, and in the course of an interview had smiled ruefully, “My eyes have cataract but I can see that my dance moves are still being imitated. Main …