Anant Ambani rocked a ponytail while Radhika Merchant stunned in a lehenga for their sangeet on Friday evening. Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant sangeet: Couple makes stylish entry in custom outfits Check out their video: About Anant and Radhika's wedding Billionaire Mukesh Ambani's son Anant and his fiancee Radhika, daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, are set to tie the knot on …
A lavish menu awaits guests at the upcoming pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Jamnagar, Gujarat, from March 1 to 3. Anant Ambani- Radhika Merchant wedding: 14 new temples being built in Gujarat Throughout the three-day celebration, a staggering 2,500 distinct dishes will grace the menu, ensuring a diverse culinary experience with no repeats. Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant …