Poet Kumar Vishvas took a veiled dig at actor Shatrughan Sinha indirectly referring to her daughter Sonakshi Sinha's wedding to her longtime boyfriend Zahir Iqbal. "Teach your children the Ramayana, or someone else might take away the 'Lakshmi' of your house, even if the house is named 'Ramayana'," Vishvas said at a poetry event in Uttar Pradesh. Congress Reacts To …
Live blog Narela Assembly Election Results 2023 Highlights: BJP's Vishvas Sarang wins Narela with 124552 votes Narela, Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election Results 2023 Live News Updates: Voting in the five-state assembly elections over and now it’s counting time. Sajid LOST IND Shadab Miya LOST IND Shamshul Hasan LOST IND Zahid Khan LOST IND Nota LOST NOTA Virendra LOST NWLP Mo …
Editorial Consultant of Congress mouthpiece National Herald, Sanjukta Basu, on Wednesday criticised so-called independent fact-checkers who regularly fact-check memes after a meme with her picture on it was fact-checked. Sanjukta Basu’s tweet In a tweet, she expressed disappointment that ‘independent’ fact-checkers, like Boom and Congress-friendly fact-checkers like Alt News did not bother to fact-check her tweet on Mayawati which had …
METAPHORICAL meanings cast intriguing shadows on a period film that is impeccably researched, sensuously imaged and richly nuanced. Girish Kasaravalli's enthralling new film Nayee Neralu allows meanings to emerge out of the interplay between people, their precise location in a culture-specific time and space, hinting at inchoate feelings under the seemingly tranquil surface. Kasaravalli captures this interplay with expected acuity …
India is reeling under a second wave or rather 'tsunami' of coronavirus cases. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani speaks to India TV 06:38 pm: Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat and Rajkot comprise 65% of total Covid-19 cases in the state, says Gujarat CM 06:34 pm: Won't impose lockdown in Gujarat for now, says Gujarat Chief Minister 06:32 pm: Efforts are on to …