Samsung Electronics has unveiled Samsung Vision AI, bolstering its artificial intelligence initiative for its premium TV lineup. Samsung also unveiled the latest flagship Neo QLED 8K QN990F and updates to its Lifestyle TVs and future display technologies at the CES 2025 event. “Samsung sees TVs not as one-directional devices for passive consumption but as interactive, intelligent partners that adapt to …
Lately, every year has been a dramatic year for personal tech. Microsoft’s Copilot Vision plans to use a Recall feature to take screenshots of your desktop at regular intervals Rapid action AI will evolve rapidly through 2025. “We’re leveraging generative AI to create a unique homepage for every shopper,” said Balu Chaturvedula, senior vice-president and country head at Walmart Global …
Formula One’s governing body is trialling artificial intelligence to tackle track limit breaches at this weekend’s season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The Paris-based FIA said it would be using ‘Computer Vision’ technology that uses shape analysis to work out the number of pixels going past the track edge. Tim Malyon, the FIA’s head of remote operations and deputy race director, …