Since the turn of the decade, a thought has been pirouetting around Siddhesh Gautam’s head. Having been part of the mainstream art community for close to a decade, the Delhi-based artist says he is familiar with the “bindi-and-mooch” aesthetic that dominates the country’s booming art market, which is essentially a pastiche of the lives and cultures of privileged, urban communities …
CNN — Paint, or pixels? It’s about the story that you want to tell.” Prince Gyasi, visual artist “Even if you don’t see the subject smiling, you’ll already feel joy and happiness: you will feel this good energy from it,” he said. “I feel I’m one of the lucky ones, because I could have been on the streets like most …
No sector of the performing arts has been unscathed by the COVID-19 pandemic. “That’s why we didn’t break up!” Siguenza puckishly jumped in: “Then we have little Latinx theater makers saying, ‘You can’t say that, Herbert. But working in theater on streaming services, first with La Jolla Playhouse and now with Center Theatre Group, has been keeping us alive.” “It’s …
UTA has named Arthur Lewis to oversee the Hollywood talent agency’s fine arts programs, which provide visual artists with Hollywood-style representation as well as a physical space to exhibit their work. Roth founded UTA Fine Arts in 2015 and opened UTA Artist Space the following year. “As a Los Angeleno and a collector, I’ve witnessed firsthand how important it is …