Amidst the ongoing controversy at Visva Bharati University where the University had accused Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen of land grab, Professor Sen on Thursday said that he was surprised at the mind-set of the authorities of the Central University. Earlier this week, a letter signed by the Deputy Registrar of Visva Bharati had alleged that Professor Sen’s residence was built …
Following the sacking of Economics professor Sudipta Bhattacharya by West Bengal’s Visva Bharati University that sparked outrage, 261 academics from across India and prominent US-based philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky have sought the intervention of President Droupadi Murmu in the summary termination of his service. President Droupadi Murmu Visva Bharati sacked Bhattacharya, who is also the president of the faculty …
The Visva Bharati University Faculty Association on Wednesday alleged that Vice-Chancellor Bidyut Chakraborty has put a lid on free exchange of ideas in Tagore's seat of learning. Referring to one of Chakraborty’s letter quoting Tagore's, "where the mind is without fear and the head is held high," it said: "While you quote the poet and exhort the stakeholders of Visva-Bharati …