After the price cut, Vivo Z1 Pro is selling at a starting price of Rs 12,999, down by Rs 2,000. Whereas, Vivo Z1X was launched in September last year at a starting price of Rs 16,990 for 6 GB RAM + 64 GB storage variant. Vivo Z1 Pro, Vivo Z1x revised prices Vivo Z1 Pro is selling at a starting …
Vivo Z1 Pro launched on 3rd of July, earlier this month and will be put up on sale today at 12:00 pm via online store Flipkart as well as Vivo's online website Also, read:Huawei MediaPad T5 available on Amazon India Vivo Z1 Pro constitues a powerful battery of 5000mAh, along with a triple set rare camera, and a 32-megapixel …