Vivo launches the Vivo Z1 Pro in India. The Vivo Z1 Pro is a mid-segment smartphone that was launched in China as Vivo Z5x that comes with an underpowered Snapdragon 710 processor in comparison to the faster Snapdragon 712 processor. Also, read: Redmi Note 7 Pro new 6GB RAM with 64GB variant launched in India Vivo Z1Pro specifications The Vivo …
Chinese smartphone major Vivo launched a new smartphone in India—the Vivo Z1 Pro. Starting at ₹14,990, the Vivo Z1 Pro will go on sale starting 11 July at 12 noonon e-commerce platform Flipkart. The Vivo Z1 Pro is the smartphone in the Indian market to be powered Qualcomm's new chipset, the Snapdragon 712. Specifications The Vivo Z1 Pro is lit …