LG has launched a new smartphone in India. Called the LG W10 Alpha, the new budget smartphone from LG packs features such as a 5.71-inch HD+ FullVision display, single cameras on either side, and a 3450mAh battery under the hood. Since it is a budget offering, LG has stripped the W10 Alpha off the fingerprint sensor but has retained the …
The devices have been launched at a starting price of Rs 8,999 for the LG W10 and Rs 9,999 for the W30. LG has announced a new smartphone series in India called the W-series and under this moniker, the company has launched three new smartphones — LG W10, W30 and W30 Pro. The price of the W30 Pro has not …
Singapore, Oct 21 Samsung Medison, a global medical equipment company and an affiliate of Samsung Electronics, on Sunday unveiled a new ultrasound system which is expected to facilitate the examination of high-risk pregnancies and early diagnosis of abnormal foetus conditions. The new ultrasound system provides an 11-fold increase in processing power and 10 times the data transfer speed of the …