“The idea is to take a walk down memory lane and revisit Awadh’s history with the most celebrated Nawab of the city in focus,” says dastango Himanshu Bajpai and Pragya Sharma, who are all set to present a premiere show based on the life and rule of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah. Dastango Himanshu Bajpai and Pragya Sharma “Nawab Wajid Ali …
Lucknow: Celebrating the legacy of the last king of Awadh, Wajid Ali Shah, a programme Dil-e-Nazuk was organized in a city hotel by Rumi Foundation on Saturday. Dastango duo Himanshu Bajpai and Pragya Sharma tried busting several myths associated with the last ruler of Awadh. “Wajid Ali Shah was a lover of art and culture since his early childhood. “He …
LUCKNOW Well-known British scholar Rosie Llewellyn-Jones feels Lucknow, that boasts of structures like the Bada Imambada, the Rumi Gate and the Chhota Imambada definitely has the potential to feature on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. It never really ends, it always goes on.” The author, who has a string of books on Lucknow, said, “Nawab Wajid Ali Shah is known to …
My first interview with Satyajit Ray took place in London in 1982, for the magazine Films and Filming. I think there were two aspects to Wajid Ali Shah’s character: one which you could admire and one which you couldn’t. Well, on specific things, like the work I am supposed to be doing and the process of doing it—whether it’s a …