In short: The inquest into the death of Jarrad Antonovich has resumed in Byron Bay. Ms Vollaers said she asked Mr Antonovich several times whether he wanted to go hospital and he was "adamant" he did not. Ms Vollaers told the inquest her main concern was that Mr Antonovich felt sick but he had not "purged", meaning thrown up. Ms …
近日,一部十分震撼又催泪的纪录片上线,引发广泛关注。 这部名为《见证》的纪录片,记录了42000多位援鄂医护人员的样子,以此向在这场战“疫”中勇敢战斗的每一位白衣天使致敬。 今年春节前,新冠肺炎疫情来袭,湖北、武汉告急。 危难时刻,42000多名医务工作者从全国各地紧急驰援湖北,成为阻击疫情的重要力量。 2月21日,受中央指导组宣传组的指派,中国摄影家协会主席、人民日报摄影记者李舸及其团队来到武汉,为援鄂的4万多名医护工作者每人拍摄一张肖像作品,作为历史的见证。 While they were busy treating COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, their faces were hardly recognizable under surgical masks and goggles. In order to have a record of all the 42,000-plus medical workers who risked their lives to come to the aid of Hubei, the region of China hardest hit by the epidemic, a group of photographers …
The AFL says it will proceed with its opening round of the men's season beginning Thursday night, despite concerns related to coronavirus. Key points: The 17-round season has been reduced to 153 games and its continuation would be reviewed daily AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan said the decision was given the green light from the chief medical officer Mr McLachlan …