The Gurugram traffic police will impose a fine of ₹10,000 for those not making way for emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire engines. They decided to impose penalties on motorists after it was found that ambulances remained stuck in traffic, delaying emergency treatment to patients, police officials said. Gurugram deputy commissioner of police, Virender Vij, said if a commuter …
The Haryana Police on Tuesday announced a compensation of Rs 57 lakh each to the families of the two home guards killed in the violence that broke out in Haryana's Nuh a day earlier. While no amount can compensate for the loss of a loved one, the bereaved families will be provided with Rs 57 lakh each and all support …
It is Pujo time. Eco-friendly Durga Puja pandal in Gurugram Sahasrabdi Durga Puja Committee in Sector-31, Gurugram, celebrates the festival in the most authentic way. Eco-friendly Durga Puja pandal in Gurugram Besides this, artisans from West Bengal and Mumbai have been roped in for the performances to make it a memorable event. Eco-friendly Durga Puja pandal in Gurugram The committee …