Two months after a person from Assam got world attention after stealing legendary footballer Diego Maradona’s watch, the accused Wazid Hussain got bail following no evidence submitted in court. The Assam Police couldn’t provide any evidence or time stipulated charge sheet in the court which led to Wazid’s release. The statutory period of two months expired but Police failed to …
Legendary Diego Maradona’s valuable watch that had gone missing from his Dubai residence has been found in the possession of Wazid Husain who according to Assam police was working as a domestic help in his villa. Wazid has been non-cooperative so far and there have been many things missing from the Dubai house, the watch is one among them” explained …
A watch belonging to the legendary Diego Maradona that went missing from his Dubai residence has been found in the possession of one Wazid Husain who according to Assam police was working as a domestic help in his villa. “In an act of international cooperation @assampolice has coordinated with @dubaipoliceHQ through Indian federal LEA to recover a heritage @Hublot watch …