In an unexpected twist on Capitol Hill, a formidable coalition of American Senators, spanning both Republican and Democratic parties, has taken a bold stand against a controversial proposal: reclassifying the potato as a grain. In a sharply worded letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, the bipartisan group of 14 Senators declared, "The …
White potatoes and sweet potatoes both earn a spot on our plates, offering diverse flavours and culinary possibilities. White potatoes tend to be slightly higher, averaging around 130 calories per 100 grams, while sweet potatoes offer a marginally lower count at approximately 86 calories. White potatoes have a higher GI, leading to a quicker spike in blood sugar, while sweet …
from_my_point_of_view via Getty Images Everything Thanksgiving: Get all our Thanksgiving recipes, how-to’s and more! How Sweet Potatoes And Yams Became Linked The idea of calling a sweet potato a “yam” took hold around the 1930s, Scott said. “In the U.S., the terms ‘yam’ and ‘sweet potato’ are often used interchangeably, but they both refer to what are technically sweet potatoes,” …