Telugu Desam Party chief N Chandrababu Naidu's wife Nara Bhuvaneswari asked the people of Andhra Pradesh's Kuppam constituency if they would "support her or her husband" if they contested the polls. Bhuvaneswari announced she would embark on a tour of Andhra Pradesh and would visit families of people who "died" after hearing about the arrest of former chief minister of …
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Aditya Narayan returned to shoot for Indian Idol 12, which he is hosting, after a short honeymoon in Kashmir with his wife Shweta Agarwal. Neha Kakkar, who is one of the judges of Indian Idol 12, was curious to know about Aditya’s wife. Earlier, on Indian Idol 12, Aditya had joked about Neha being jealous and snubbing his wedding invite. …