The High Court of Karnataka has decided to frame charges against film-makers Sarath Champati, Kalyan Varma, and Amoghavarhaa J.S. of the documentary “Wild Karnataka”, representatives of television channels Discovery India and BBC United Kingdom, and over-the-top streaming platform Netflix, for airing the film and its footage/clippings in violation of the court’s June 2021 interim order. Shivashankare Gowda passed the interim …
The Karnataka High Court, by way of an interim order operating till August 3, has restrained the makers of the documentary 'Wild Karnataka' from dealing with the film in any manner. They also agreed that copyrights of the film solely vested with the KFD whereas the copyright of the remaining raw footage would be co-owned by the 5th to 7th …
Rajkummar Rao, Prakash Raj and Rishab Shetty have given voiceovers in different languages for the premiere of the documentary "Wild Karnataka" on June 5, which happens to be World Environment Day. It is extremely important for us to save our wildlife and the government and Forest Department of Karnataka are taking great efforts despite the pressures of development and vast …
PHOTOS: Experience Wild Karnataka in the voice of Sir David Attenborough The highly-acclaimed wildlife film ‘Wild Karnataka’ hit the big screen on January 17, 2020. 1 / 7 View Photos in a new improved layout Wild Karnataka is the first wildlife film ever to be made in blue-chip 4K in India. 3 / 7 View Photos in a new improved …
Wild Karnataka has been made for the Karnataka Forest Department, and the government hopes that film screenings will be possible in educational institutions across the state. This riveting encounter is now part of India’s first blue-chip natural history film, Wild Karnataka. “It’s amusing to see that even people from Karnataka were surprised with the kind of natural history that’s been …