WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging platform owned by Facebook-parent Meta, has introduced a refreshed desktop app that among other things, promises group video calling for all users. Additionally, using WhatsApp on multiple devices will now be seamless, as it will allow users to link multiple devices at once, helping users continue chats across devices without a hitch. Through the new …
WhatsApp, a Meta owned instant messaging platform, is rolling out a new feature which will provide users an ability to turn off call notifications on Windows beta. WhatsApp is also rolling out three new large animated heart emojis for beta testing, as per a report. According to a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is also rolling out a new update version …
WhatsApp is implementing new features for users of the app. The Meta -owned instant messaging app is now enabling new WhatsApp Camera UI for the iOS users. “The changes are already available to beta testers today, and more tweaks for the WhatsApp camera are coming with the next updates," he added. The horizontal bar gives the preview right in front …