Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has rejected claims by some social media influencers that tourists were ditching Goa for other places and criticised them for sending the wrong message about the state. Sawant's remarks came after some influencers posted photos and videos of near-deserted beaches, restaurants and roads and claimed that Goa was devoid of tourists during Christmas and New Year …
A "confused" former President Donald Trump directed House Republicans to "kill" a legislative effort Wednesday he mistook for another statute, according to Fox News' White House correspondent. Jacqui Heinrich made this disturbing point about Trump's messaging to Republicans roughly two hours after NBC reported a "conservative revolt" blocked reauthorization of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. "Trump confused FISA Section 702 …
Actor Sonu Sood has been criticised by Northern Railway for travelling on the footboard of a moving train, calling it 'dangerous'. This response of Northern Railway came after the actor had posted a clip of him sitting on the footboard of a moving train last month on Twitter. Sonu Sood has been criticised by Northern Railway after the actor sat …
The Kerala High Court recently ruled that moral policing is an offence that involves mental depravity and that such cases cannot be quashed on the ground of settlement between the accused and complainant. Justice K. Haripal was adjudicating upon a case in which a violent mob had attacked an unarmed man for taking a woman belonging to a different community …
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. It was undiplomatic of German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to send a congratulatory message on Nov 7 to former US vice-president Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris after they were projected to be the winners of the 2020 presidential election. In sharp contrast, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, when congratulating Biden and Harris on Monday, said …