After the launch of its flagship X200 series earlier this month, Vivo seems to be gearing towards launching a new budget smartphone in India. The new phone Vivo Y29 5G is yet to be confirmed to launch in the country but leaks have suggested much of the details about the device including its supposed pricing and specifications. Vivo Y29 5G …
Vivo has launched new X200 series smartphones in India. The newly launched series includes two smartphones Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro. Vivo X200, X200 Pro India price and availability The Vivo X200 is priced at Rs 65,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage model. Vivo X200, X200 Pro India specifications The Vivo X200 boasts an impressive 6.67-inch 10-bit …
The Vivo X200 series is gearing up for its international launch, with Malaysia confirmed as the first market outside of China to welcome this flagship lineup. Vivo X200 series to launch in Malaysia on November 19 Vivo has announced the official launch of the X200 series in Malaysia, at around 7 PM local time on November 19. The company will …