A youth was stabbed to death following an altercation with people attending a wedding procession at Bahraicha village under Khiri police station of trans-Yamuna area late Wednesday night. Angad Singh’s neighbour’s son Sonu Singh, 20, was sleeping outside his home and objected to the noise. SHO of Khiri police station Manoj Rai said on complaint of Sonu’s father an FIR …
HYDERABAD: A street vendor brutally murdered his friend after the latter refused to take him out for a ride. The body of the victim Mohammed Shah Faisal, who was missing from February 12, was found with multiple injuries hidden under a stone in Balapur. The accused Abdul Jabbar on February 12 along with Faisal went to the former’s house at …
A Sikh youth identified as Ravinder Singh has been killed on Sunday by an unidentified person in Peshawar. According to a recent statement from Ministry of External Affair, India has strongly condemned the targeted killing of minority Sikh community member in Peshawar Pakistan that follows recent despicable vandalism and desecration of Gurdwara Sri Janam Asthan at Nankana Sahib and unresolved …