A day after tensions erupted in Madanapalle in Andhra Pradesh’s Annamayya district after an Ayyappa devotee was attacked by a Muslim youth, police have issued a stern warning against creating any communal tension over the incident. BREAKING: Islamist Jiyavul Huq, who attacked the Hindu youth for wearing an Ayyappa Mala, apologized to the victim by touching his feet in the …
Tension erupted in Madanapalle in Andhra Pradesh’s Annamayya district after an Ayyappa devotee was attacked by a Muslim youth. Locals allege that the Ayappa devotee Venkatesh was attacked for wearing an Ayappa mala by Ziaul Huq. Tension erupted in Madanapalle in Andhra Pradesh's Annamayya district after an Ayyappa devotee was attacked by a Muslim youth. In response, the police intervened, …