Paris Paralympics 2024 bronze-medallist shooter Mona Agarwal on Saturday revelead she struggled to upgrade her equipement ahead of the quadrennial event during the Sportstar Sports Conclave — Focus Rajasthan at the Poornima University in Jaipur. L-R ) Manjusha Kanwar, Surbhi Misra, Anupam Nidhi and Mona Agarwal during the Sporstar Sports Conclave - Focus Rajasthan. Manjusha Kanwar, a Commonwealth-medallist badminton player, …
Former India footballers Renedy Singh and Oinam Bembem Devi have become advisory members of Zinc Football to work for its grassroots development programme. The Zinc Football Advisory Board, consisting of the three experts at its core, will provide guidance and counsel for the betterment of the Zinc Football initiative along with providing key inputs to the leadership team, according to …