Hanu-Man, the first film from director Prasanth Varma’s superhero series, will be released soon. Prasanth debuted with the multi-genre Telugu film Awe in 2018, which won the National Film Awards for best visual effects and make-up. Those who follow Telugu cinema would be aware of his short films that got him noticed by stars such as Ravi Teja, Sundeep Kishan …
Deep in the Rayalaseema hinterland, where faction rivalry dictates the fault lines, bite-thirsty zombies threaten to destroy everyone in their wake. Another character comments that the three months of lockdown in 2020 turned many of us nuts, so, understandably, the woman’s behaviour isn’t ‘normal’ after years of lockdown! Zombie Reddy Cast: Teja Sajja, Dhaksha and Anandhi Direction: Prasanth Varma Music: …
Cast: Teja Sajja, Daksha Nagarkar and Anandhi Direction: Prasanth Varma Rating: 2.5 Zombie Reddy is Prashanth Varma’s third outing and he picked the zombie genre which is a first of its kind for Telugu cinema. But Zombie Reddy injects the virus into the audience and you turn into a zombie mode while watching the film. Zombie Reddy movie review: Mario, …
Imagine zombies visiting Rayalaseema, a region represented by ‘faction’ stories in Telugu cinema for a long time. In Zombie Reddy, scheduled to release in theatres on February 5, director Prasanth Varma attempts a satire on the common tropes of faction films. But this method worked best for this film because we were able to incorporate incidents inspired by COVID-19.” Prasanth’s …