Hyderabad: A fake ‘red alert’ about a lion from the Nehru Zoological Park escaping and going missing on Thursday morning with an “unofficial” but “officially sanctioned” social media handle of the zoo on X, left senior forest department officials, including the zoo curator scrambling to play down an “attempt to create some social media hype” about the zoo. In the …
Do you know what an Okapi is? A video of tourists feeding leaves and twigs to an Okapi at the London zoo has surfaced on social media. Watch the video here: Okapi, also known as Forest giraffe, native of North Eastern Congo. @SudhaRamenIFS @surenmehra @verma_akash @VaibhavSinghIFS @DrDheerajPandey pic.twitter.com/2hGKWFPiff — Digvijay Singh Khati June 9, 2020 The internet found the video …