Former cashier Abhishek Khanna has been arrested for allegedly siphoning off ₹82.53 lakh from the Capital Small Finance Bank's ATM cash deposits. The police received a complaint from the bank's deputy head, Harinder Singh, who discovered discrepancies in the ATM reconciliation statements. Following an investigation, Khanna confessed to diverting funds to his personal accounts through manipulated transactions. He was arrested …
Five aides of the Bambiha-Kaushal gang have been arrested in Punjab with the recovery of nine weapons and 15 cartridges. The arrested have been identified as Jaspreet Singh alias Jassa, Harshdeep Singh of Garage Mehdood village in Hoshiarpur, Shekhar of Muradpur village in Tarn Taran, Gagandeep Singh alias Ginni Bajwa of New Model House in Jalandhar and Amit Sahota of …
Women are stepping into the liquor trade in Punjab, taking advantage of the tweaked norms for the 2018-19 fiscal beginning April 1. These women, often wives and daughters of established contractors, have taken away a major chunk of the business in various areas, leaving some local contractors worried. Jasdeep Kaur Chadha, the widow of a liquor baron, has taken over …