Filmmaker Nithin Lukose on making his Malayalam début feature, ‘Paka:The River of Blood’
3 years, 10 months ago

Filmmaker Nithin Lukose on making his Malayalam début feature, ‘Paka:The River of Blood’

The Hindu  

Filmmaker Nithin Lukose grew up listening to his grandmother narrate stories of people in the highlands of Wayanad. The movie is set in Wayanad and is about the feud between two families that has lasted generations.“The place and the Orattu river there play very important roles in the film. “Raj Rachakonda, the director of Mallesham produced Paka: The River of Blood,” he says, adding that it was one of the five films selected in the Work in Progress Lab category of the NFDC Film Bazaar held online in January. To receive an award at such an early stage is an honour.” Nithin says that such platforms help get global attention for upcoming filmmakers. This year’s mentors in the NFDC Film Bazaar included film and television producer Philippa Campbell, film critic Derek Malcolm, director Marco Muller, etc.

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