Florida ayahuasca yoga retreat: I thought it would transform my life. I never thought it would do it like this.
SlateAt first glance, Mystic Manor lived up to its name. “It looks like something bit through it.” “It’s probably just one little mouse,” another student replied. On the homepage of one popular ayahuasca retreat, which describes itself as a “life advancement center,” you’ll find a testimonial that reads: “I was healed from a lifetime of suffering. * I also thought of James Arthur Ray, a devoted Robbins follower turned criminal who killed three people at his spiritual retreat in 2009 by forcing them to spend hours inside a sweat lodge in pursuit of mental stamina, even after they reported feeling ill. Dispenza, Robbins, and Ray preached the exact same philosophy seen at ayahuasca centers, my yoga teacher training, and many other big-ticket wellness retreats: If you don’t succeed with the healing method, it’s because you didn’t surrender enough. So we shouldn’t say people create every problem on their own.” “I think Joe Dispenza would argue that cancer is caused by negative energy,” the New Jersey woman retorted.
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