FirstAct: Drama Queen's For Tomorrow explores narratives of desire, distance, surveillance in post-pandemic world
FirstpostFrom our FirstAct performance series: For Tomorrow is a devised performance created by documentary theatre maker Anuja Ghosalkar on Zoom in collaboration with two filmmakers and two actors working across four cities, two continents traversing time zones, geographies and technologies, create brief vignettes of the future. An edited excerpt of a conversation with the creators of For Tomorrow — Drama Queen founder and documentary theatre maker Anuja Ghosalkar and her collaborators — follows: *** Process of working on an original devised piece for Zoom — GAVATI: Devising a piece for Zoom allowed us to explore spaces both on and off camera as a site for performance. Difference with one’s artistic practice/ method — GAVATI: I usually work with self-portraiture and performance in film, video and photography but most of my work is produced in a studio setting and involves elaborate pre and post-production work. *** Meet the artists — ANUJA GHOSALKAR is the founder of Drama Queen, a documentary theatre company, evolving a unique form of theatre in India since 2015.