Why professional athletes always strength train
Live MintGiven the skills on display at the ongoing football World Cup in Qatar, you might think all these professional players ever do is practice football skills every waking minute. In addition, strength training targets areas of fitness which normally athletes often don’t pay attention to, such as flexibility, balance, mobility and strength,” says Dr Subhash Jangid of Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram. Strength training develops the basic capacities of humans, says Joel Dones, FC Goa’s strength and conditioning coach. Strength training doesn’t only help players and athletes improve performance in those chosen sports, but it also plays a huge role in injury prevention, say both Dones and Jangid. A paper published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance in January 2021 found that “training strategies involving multiple components that include strength exercises are effective at reducing noncontact injuries in female soccer players.” The authors of the paper found that the Nordic hamstring exercise, in particular, is a viable option for reducing hamstring injuries in soccer players.