Pioneering dental test can reveal your risk of cancer and dementia - but for £350, would YOU take it?
Daily MailA pioneering test can use a small sample of spit to flag the risk of heart disease, cancer and dementia. By analysing the types of bacteria in the mouth – known as the oral microbiome – experts believe they can identify risky pathogens that cause long-term health problems throughout the body. The kit claims it could revolutionise healthcare, and they predict a simple trip to the dentist could one day give you life-changing information about your overall health According to the Oral Health Foundation, almost 40 per cent of adults don't go to the dentist regularly Astonishingly, one in 20 have never been to the dentist in their adult life. 'Research has linked problems with the oral microbiome to other serious health conditions that occur elsewhere in the body,' explains Dr Gary Moran, dental hygiene professor at Trinity College Dublin and one of the test's developers, who says that risks to things such as heart health can stack up even from childhood. Scientists believe an imbalance in the mouth microbiome can cause bacteria to travel to other parts of the body – releasing destructive enzymes that can make blood vessels less able to dilate and spike blood pressure One – treponema denticola – is strongly associated with gum disease, which is the main reason people lose their teeth.