Chocolate spread for babies wins most misleading product "award"
5 years ago

Chocolate spread for babies wins most misleading product "award"

NL Times  

Chocolate spread marketed for babies "from the age of 8 months" by De Kleine Keuken won the most misleading product of the year award by food watchdog Foodwatch. But according to Foodwatch, the company's chocolate spread, the bottle of which states that it is for babies "from the age of 8 months", consists 69 percent of sugar and fat. Second place in this year's "Gouden Windei" election was Albert Heijn's "seasonable vegetables", which the supermarket imports from all over the world. But after the company acknowledged its mistake and promised to stop promoting vegetables from other parts of the world as "seasonal vegetables", votes for Albert Hein dropped drastically.

History of this topic

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