Going sober for October? Be careful: Doctor reveals how soft drinks are NOT automatically better for you...
1 year, 5 months ago

Going sober for October? Be careful: Doctor reveals how soft drinks are NOT automatically better for you...

Daily Mail  

Going sober for October is a popular way to cut down on booze. Just one 175ml glass of wine contains 2.3 units of alcohol and 159 calories and a pint of 4 per cent beer is 2.3 units and 182 calories. A few drinks in the evening can stack up to the calorie equivalent of another meal Swapping beer for sugary mocktails is not much better as obesity and diabetes are still risks when drinking too many sugary drinks, experts say How soft drinks are not necessarily a healthy swap for alcohol Swapping booze for soft drinks as part of Sober October may seem like a healthy move. Fruit juice per 150ml glass Calories: 70 Sugar: 15.8g Coca-Cola Calories: 139 Sugar: 35g Lemonade 330ml can Calories: 59 Sugar: 14g J2O 275ml bottle Calories: 52 Sugar: 11g Just one 175ml glass of wine can contain 2.3 units and around 160 calories, while a pint of 4 per cent beer is roughly 2.3 units and 180 calories. He added: 'Don't go too heavy on the fruit juice, though, as even the freshly squeezed drinks contain free sugars.

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