It’s okay to complain about coronavirus, sometimes
4 years, 8 months ago

It’s okay to complain about coronavirus, sometimes


CNN — The COVID-19 pandemic is different from many crises in that it has affected all of us regardless of politics, economics, religion, age or nationality. This angry mom's rant about homeschooling children while in quarantine goes viral Complaining and venting Humans are a social species, which means sharing one’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. Martin Seligman, director of the Positive Psychology Center, walks us through "Put it in Perspective", a simple exercise that can help us calm our anxieties during the COVID-19 pandemic. — Positive Psychology March 25, 2020 Related: Why people need rituals in uncertain times When to know the limits Venting should not become a habit, though. Here are suggestions on when to stop sharing negative emotions: When venting becomes the main coping style, and importantly, when it delays adaptive necessary action. Related: A healthy sleep cycle may keep you sane and increase your resilience to fight COVID-19 Other ways to cope Here are a few tips on how to cope with the stress of these days: Get your facts from medical experts, and websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health authorities, not from rumors or random social media posts.

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