Is your cooking oil safe? Study says it can lead to cancer in young people
1 week, 4 days ago

Is your cooking oil safe? Study says it can lead to cancer in young people

Hindustan Times  

What if the reason behind cancer is hiding in your kitchen? The study, published in the medical journal Gut, explored how overconsumption of seed oils such as sunflower, grapeseed, canola and corn can lead to an increased risk of cancer. The study observed 81 tumour samples in people aged between 30 to 85 and high amounts of lipid content in their cancerous tumours were concluded to be caused by seed oils. However, these bioactive lipids caused by seed oil breakdown can help colon cancer develop faster and also prevent the body from fighting the tumours. According to the research paper, chronic inflammation caused by overconsumption of seed oils can drive cancer growth and progression.

History of this topic

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