I was paralyzed from the waist down for over a decade... but a robot helped me stand to hug my husband
2 months, 2 weeks ago

I was paralyzed from the waist down for over a decade... but a robot helped me stand to hug my husband

Daily Mail  

A robotic exoskeleton has allowed a paralyzed woman to walk, dance and stand up to give her husband a hug for the first time in over a decade. Chloe Angus, 49, lost her ability to walk after a tumor damaged the base of her spine, but stood up from her wheelchair to demonstrate the high-tech suit at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week. ‘I can now hug my husband again, get back on the dance floor and stand up to give a speech.’ She fought back tears while speaking, showing how thrilled she was to be able to stand again as a member of the audience also burst into tears exclaiming: 'This is amazing!' Chloe Angus, 49, lost her ability to walk after a tumor damaged the base of her spine, but stood up from her wheelchair to demonstrate the high-tech suit at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week Pictured above is the XoMotion, a futuristic high-tech exoskeleton allowing disabled people to walk forward, backward and turn to either side. Angus showed off the suit, slowly lifting herself up off a chair during the conference She fought back tears while speaking, showing how thrilled she was to be able to stand again as a member of the audience also burst into tears exclaiming: 'This is amazing' Users operate the exoskeleton using a remote control to direct it to walk forward, back or side-to-side.

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