The Most Common Job Issues People Bring Up In Therapy
Huff PostPixelsEffect via Getty Images A trained mental health professional can help you work through career-related stresses and worries. Realizing that your ‘dream job’ is not actually what you want “Some of my clients come to me upset about their work but have a difficult time understanding why.. If it truly feels like they are stuck in a no-win situation with their boss and company, we would start looking into other options like doing a job search.” — Howes 3. ‘Do I deserve this?’ is a narrative that they grapple with on an emotional level.” — Deborah Kim, licensed marriage and family therapist in Berkeley, California “I work with a significant number of BIPOC clients in psychotherapy and one of the frequent concerns that comes up is a fear of confirming racial stereotypes. Creating and developing your passion outside of work is important and that’s the key to decreasing dissatisfaction, If you are not given the opportunity to grow at work, it might be time to develop a plan of action and create that space in your personal life — a side hustle, art, travel — where you can fulfill the need and empower yourself with the idea that growth is infinite in your personal life or new job role.” — Nancy Paloma Collins, therapist in California 7.