In almost all the matters where the bail was granted today, the Additional Sessions Judge at Patiala House Court directed the prisoners to download the Arogya Setu app and keep their GPS and Bluetooth open as a mandatory bail condition. While putting the downloding of the Arogya Setu app as an unusual mandatory condition, the court did not mention any …
The Centre’s national directive for the mandatory use of its contact tracing app, Aarogya Setu, as part of its COVID-19 combat measures, falls short of established legal standards for the protection of privacy. Going by the directive issued under the Disaster Management Act, all people residing in ‘containment zones’, all government and public sector staff and all employees, both public …
The Congress and the government were engaged in a war of words on Saturday over the Arogya Setu application, with former Congress president Rahul Gandhi calling it a “sophisticated surveillance system” and saying the fear of citizens must not be leveraged. Union Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad called the charge a “lie”. “The Arogya Setu app, is a sophisticated …