The Arogya Bhadratha scheme, once a vital healthcare lifeline for Telangana Police personnel and their families, has run into trouble as private hospitals across the State are refusing to admit patients under the scheme citing non-payment of long standing dues from the Arogya Bhadratha Trust. 47-year-old Amaresh, a head constable with the Telangana Police, experienced the scheme’s failings first-hand when …
Ayushman Bharat, the government’s flagship programme to achieve universal health coverage, was launched in 2018. The scheme has two inter-related components: health and wellness centres and the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana that aims to provide a health cover of ₹5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation to over 12 crore families that form the …
Deputy Commissioner-Srinagar Dr. Shahid Iqbal Chowdhary has directed Drawing and Disbursing Officers to obtain a certificate that they had downloaded the Arogya Setu mobile application before the release of salary to all government employees, with the effect that all government employees working under his administrative control have installed the app on their mobile phones. “It is impressed upon all the …