After the Union Health Ministry directed the renaming of the Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres to ‘Ayushman Arogya Mandir’ with the tagline ‘Arogyam Parmam Dhanam’ early this week, the National Medical Commission has joined the rebranding process by modifying its logo with a colour image of Dhanvantari and the word ‘Bharat’ above it. Both moves have evoked dismay among …
With experts cautioning that children are likely to be predominantly affected during the third wave, the Health Department is all set to launch ‘Arogya Nandana’, a new initiative to test all children for COVID-19 in Karnataka. Chief Minister Basvaraj Bommai will launch the programme within a week, Health and Medical Minister K. Sudhakar said here on Tuesday. Addressing presspersons, the …