Farhan Akhtar's iconic movie, Dil Chahta Hai, recently completed 21 years since its release. Dil Chahta Hai featured Aamir Khan, Akshaye Khanna, Saif Ali Khan, Preity, Sonali Kulkarni and Dimple Kapadia in lead roles. On the 21st anniversary of the film, Preity Zinta said that Dil Chahta Hai was a film where there was no place for a hero or …
Twenty years ago, Dil Chahta Hai introduced realistic portrayal of youth to Hindi cinema and changed filmmaking forever. The unit showered me with lots of greetings and love.” Dil Chahta Hai marked Farhan Akhtar’s debut as director while Sonali had already started getting her foot in the door with some good films in the South. The best part of Dil …
Trade pundits pegged DCH as a ‘moderate hit’ since the film did its major business, essentially at the urban centres. On the other hand, the ode to buddy-bonding was toasted by the critics and won seven Filmfare Awards for Best Critics’ Film, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor in a Comic Role, Best Screenplay, Best Editor, R.D. Burman Award for Rising …