The government has received multiple preliminary bids for strategic sale of Pawan Hans, DIPAM Secretary Tuhin Kanta Pandey said on Thursday. Thursday was the last date for putting bids for Pawan Hans, in which government owns 51 per cent stake while Oil and Natural Gas Corp holds the remaining 49 per cent. After multiple failed attempts, the Department of Investment …
The government will start consultations soon with Niti Aayog and Energy and Petroleum Ministries to bring down its equity holding below 51 per cent, including change of norms and modes of doing the stake dilution in very few select PSUs to begin with. At the initial stage it will be 2-3 PSUs where government stake in these PSUs would be …
After the Motera field was discovered in Ahmedabad, ONGC was wary of encroachment around the oil wells in a city that was developing into a megapolis New Delhi: The government wants Oil and Natural Gas Corp to sell its golf courses in Ahmedabad and Vadodara in Gujarat, sending the company into a tizzy as one of them has two producing …